
Massage Treatment for Arthritis

Regular massage of muscles and joints can lead to a significant reduction in pain for people suffering from arthritis. 

Recent research and studies have shown that there can be significant improvement in pain, stiffness, range of motion, hand grip strength and overall function of the joints.

Massage using moderate to light pressure with the addition of arnica used in the massage oil can have lasting positive effects.

Arnica is a natural pain reliever that doesn’t just mask the pain; it actually stimulates your body’s healing processes. Arnica is especially recommended for pain that derives from trauma (such as a fall) or inflammation (such as arthritis). Arnica offers a safe alternative remedy for pain, without the risks associated with over-the-counter NSAIDs or prescription pain medicine.

Please consult your GP before considering massage as a form of arthritis treatment.

text Phil on: 07999826409